Pick up an inexpensive bouquet of fall flowers at the supermarket and embellish with foliage you find after foraging in the woods, neighborhood, or your own backyard. Look for rose hips, cattails, wild flowers, etc.
Ingredients :
- Medium pumpkin
- Wide mouth Mason jar
- Fresh fall flowers
- Foliage such as rose hips, cattails, and wild flowers (optional)
- Ribbon (optional)
Method :
Cut a circle around the stem of the pumpkin that’s about the same size as the Mason jar. Remove stem; scoop out seeds and pulp. Pour water into jar; place jar in pumpkin.
Cut flowers and foliage to fit in jar as desired; remove leaves from flowers and foliage that will be below the water line. Arrange in jar; add ribbon around the top of the pumpkin, if desired. Makes 1 autumn centerpiece.
Prep time: 25 minutes
The centerpiece will last longer if you re-cut the stems on flowers and foliage, and change the water every couple of days